Score Reporting

Review the edTPA submission and reporting dates.

Score reports will be provided as follows:

  • Candidates will receive individual score profiles. The candidate score profiles will include the score obtained on each of the edTPA rubrics, overall performance information, and supplementary narrative that provides the rubric language description of the candidate's performance for each of their rubric scores. The candidate profile focuses on the candidate's performance at that score point level as described by the scoring rubric.
  • Educator Preparation Programs will receive scores for candidates who selected the educator preparation program as a score recipient upon registration. Programs will receive the score obtained on each of the edTPA rubrics and overall performance information. The results will be provided to educator preparation programs through a data file, and through a secure reporting tool, which can be used to generate custom views and reports.
  • The State Education Agency (as appropriate) will receive a data file of candidate results and will have access to a secure reporting tool, which can be used to generate custom views and reports.

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