edTPA for Utah

Effective July 1, 2020, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) approved edTPA as a pedagogical performance assessment option for all educator preparation providers (EPP) and Local Education Agency (LEA) Alternate Pathway to Professional Educator License (APPEL) program to implement within their initial teacher licensure programs.

Candidates in traditional-route EPPs and APPEL programs will be required to meet passing standard (see Passing Scores for Utah below) on edTPA effective Aug 1, 2023.

For more information on teacher certification in Utah, please visit the Utah State Board of Education's website link opens in a new window.

Passing Scores for Utah

Effective September 1, 2023, the Utah State Board of Education has adopted an edTPA passing standard as set out in the table below. Candidates who participate in edTPA and are successful at the standard identified below may use edTPA as evidence of their Pedagogical Performance Assessment.

13-Rubric Handbooks 30
15-Rubric Handbook, Career and Technical Education 33
15-Rubric Handbooks, All Other 15-Rubric Fields 35
18-Rubric Handbooks 42

For additional information regarding edTPA state policies, please review state participation information at edtpa.org link opens in a new window.

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